A Sick Child

Norah spent last night in the Children’s Ward of Cork University Hospital with Erythema multiforme.
It started as a small rash under her chin on Saturday morning, and eventually spread with small spots on her body and legs. The GP said it was just probably an allergic reaction, perhaps to a bacteria or virus. Anyway, the rash continued and had obviously got very itchy on Sunday night as no one got any sleep. On Monday we were back to the GP and referred to the on-call Paediatric doctor at CUH. At this stage, the rash covered most of her body.
All the doctors and nurses were quite impressed and, after several visits by every grade of doctor from houseman to consultant, she was diagnosed and admitted for the night. I walked over to Tesco for supplies (the furthest I walked since the accident, and possibly too far) and stayed til midnight, whilst Hilary slept in a chair for the night. It’s was a brief insight into life with a sick child and my heart goes out to those parents. As it was, the rash had almost completely gone by the next day as the antibiotics did their job and she was discharged this morning.
Tuesday morning: