Don't put me in one of those

When I die
Don’t keep me in a box
Don’t put me in the ground
Or mark my resting place with a giant granite headstone
Don’t cover me with gravel hemmed in by a little granite wall
And whatever the fuck you do,
Don’t arrange cheap tat on my grave
I am not a garden ornament showroom
Or a graveyard for artificial flowers
I don’t like the company of statues
I need no instructions for mourners to ‘pray here’
Or to summarise my life with a pithy ever-positive statement
Burn me to ashes and bring me home
Sprinkle me into the surf and let me swim forever
Mix me with wild flower seed and sow me in a meadow
Name a bench after me with a view of the sunset
But don’t ever bury me in a box, cover me in granite, and surround me with cheap tat